Your relationship is unique and deserves expert care.

South Carolina Couples Counseling and Therapy

However your relationship is struggling, we are here to help

Online Couples Counseling Near Me to Improve Communication

Communicate Better

When you and your partner are talking at each other instead of with each other very little gets accomplished. Usually, you walk away from the conversation feeling worse or more angry and then those feelings are still there when you come back together to try again. Or maybe you sweep the issue under the rug? But now you can’t walk across the room because there are huge piles everywhere!
It’s essential to feel heard, seen, and valued in your relationship
Sometimes little tweaks go a long way. In one session we can turn, “you’re acting crazy” into “I understand how when you don’t feel my love it’s really painful.” And guess what happens after that kind of session? Both people leave feeling a little closer and more willing to show some affection.

Recover From an Affair

The person you love and trust has broken your heart by sharing their love with someone else outside of your marriage. Shock, disbelief, anger, devastation, disgust overcome you all at once most of your waking hours.

Are you ready to pick up the pieces to make something new together?

Or perhaps you are the person living with the guilt of seeing your loved one shattered? You’ve apologized a thousand times. Where do you go from here? Stop listening to well meaning people’s advice and start really figuring out how to make things better with real experts!



Saving a Marriage

Little comments and resentments tend to add up over the years. If left unresolved, they slowly eat away at the fabric of a marriage and most couples wait on average seven years too long before getting professional help.
By the time you do get help, the marriage may be in the ICU.
These are the times when choosing the right couples therapist really makes the difference whether your marriage can survive. Let us help you to see the pattern of interaction that is the problem and how to bring back the feelings that brought you together in the beginning of the relationship.

Couples Intensives

You want to see improvement yesterday. Intensives with a highly skilled couples therapist help you leap faster further in your counseling than weekly sessions. Spending 6 hours a day for one or two days catapults your connection.

Put your relationship healing on steroids

Over one day of intensive counseling, you can cover as much ground as in three months of counseling! Join us in beautiful Charleston, SC to focus on your particular areas of need as a couple and make tremendous gains in strengthening your most important asset–your relationship.

Bumps in the road are opportunities for increased connection.

Remarriage and Blended Families

Starting again with a new partner is so exciting! Your hopes are high for the future together and you envision a family with enough love for all the children involved. But sometimes the kids (and other family members) throw up roadblocks. Get your new partnership off to a great start with professional help on how to merge two existing families.

How you merge two families sets you up for success or failure.

Nobody likes being painted as the evil step-parent and it’s possible in couples counseling or family counseling to learn how to handle the predictable situations new blended families face. Sometimes setting reasonable expectations is a good start as well as understanding what “normal” usually looks like in the process.

Premarital Counseling

The best possible insurance policy on your new marriage is premarital counseling. How do you and your partner address conflict? How do you talk about money, family and sex? When you’re upset by your partner, what do you need? How do the two of you love and support each other when you’re both upset?

Premarital counseling is the closest you can get to immunizing your new marriage against infection.

Set your marriage up for long-term happiness. Learn the pillars on which your new commitment rests. Let us help you make sure you have everything you need to set out on a wonderful new journey together and that you two can talk constructively with each other about everything from sex to in-laws.

Let's Talk About Sex

How satisfied are you really with your sex life? Is it a chore or a pleasure? Is it ok but you long for something more fulfilling with your partner? How do you even begin to talk about these things with your partner when you’ve never discussed your sex life together?
Does your sex life need CPR?
Whether it’s an illness, trauma, aging, or just the same old same old in the bedroom, we want to help you help your sex life to be a source of mutual satisfaction and a time of close bonding. We are here to gently help you increase pleasure and put another crackling log on your fire.

Meet our team of couples counselors and sex therapists in Mt. Pleasant, Charleston, and across South Carolina