Relationship Counseling and Marriage Therapy for Individuals and Couples

Our health rests on the foundation of our relationships. How we connect and relate to the world around us directly affects our physical wellness. If we believe that we can turn to a loved one for comfort then even the darkest moments become less dark—and our body can find comfort. When we don’t believe the world is a loving place for us, then we feel every granular irritant and feelings of loneliness or isolation prevail. It is within these experiences that anxiety, depression, traumatic stress, and the like take their toll on our moods and thus affect relationships.

Here at the Center For Improving Relationships, we aim to create the therapeutic conditions that allow people to find, renew, revitalize, and maintain meaningful relationships. If you are looking for help with the following, please contact us so can begin a path toward greater fulfillment:

  • Individuals who want to look at how to impact their relationships for the better
  • Trust issues
  • People recovering from broken hearts and bonds
  • Couples who want to communicate better
  • Couples who want more intimacy
  • Recovering from Infidelity and affairs
  • Anyone who has a history of emotional, relational, physical, or sexual trauma
  • Creating connection
  • Looking for and keeping love
  • Getting through hard times with a partner
  • One partner leaning in, one partner leaning out (Discernment Counseling)


We employ empirically supported treatments that are based in attachment theory such as Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT), Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP), Discernment Counseling, Core Self Reclamation Therapy (Fierce Love) and Emotion Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) to address the above concerns.


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Please note, we do not accept insurance and our rates start at $195/session.